Thursday, October 14, 2010

New Mayfair owners have first class meet and greet

Palm Beach investor Timo Kipp of Whalou Properties Management, who bought the Shoppes of Mayfair, had a very nice soiree last night for the tenants of Mayfair.

Almost every business in the complex was represented from the ad agencies upstairs to the retail stores below. The event was first class and very intimate. There were linen tablecloths and a sushi bar, a coffee bar and a carving station. A cocktail hour preceeded the dinner.

Timo and his wife mingled with the guests and told them they were happy to invest in the future of Coconut Grove.

Miami Conservatory of Music, a new Mayfair tenant, provided the classical-style music outside and inside the former Cielo nightclub space, where the event was held. Escorts lead guests into the venue as they arrived.

Guests have used the word "charming" to describe the social event. Many feel it is the beginning of a rebirth for the Grove. The evening was a lot of fun and many could not believe how fast the time went by, they didn't want to leave at the end of the night.

Timo and staff have lots of plans to revive the Mayfair, as you know, the former News Cafe spot is being taken over by a
Brazilian restaurant and the former Oxygen nightclub underground is being turned into a "black box" theater, which is an experimental theater where a dark room can be turned into anything from dinner theater to all sorts of performing arts.

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