Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Things that make you go hmmm . . .

The District 2 Candidates for City Commission brought out a lot of people to the candidates forum at last week's Village Council meeting. But right after the forum, so many people jumped up and left, without staying for the actual Village Council meeting, which basically consisted of the choosing of the new members. It wasn't a very long meeting.

I found it a bit strange since people seemed interested enough to come out for the good of their neighborhood when it came to the Commission candidates, but they didn't care about the Village Council candidates. Two of the Village Council members (Michelle Niemyer and Kate Callahan) are running for City Commission. So it just seemed to make sense for people to stay and see how they conducted themselves at the Village Council.

It was the usual group who stayed, which I prefer simply because we all know each other and we have a good time there, but still, you would think the public would have a bit more concern for what is going on in the immediate neighborhood. After all, the Village Council is all about the Grove, the City Commission is about the whole city and not just the Grove.

It's just something to ponder. The Village Council does a lot of good and I wonder if people know and appreciate this.

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