Monday, May 25, 2009

Grove Harbour project back on Commission agenda

The Grove Harbour office building project is back on the Commission agenda for this Thursday, May 28, 2009. It's Items 5 and 6. Hopefully it will be heard after 5 pm, so that more people can attend.

As you know, Grove Harbour wants to build a large 21,000 square foot office building on a dock out on the bay -- it's an office building on the waterfront. It is meant to replace a 150 square foot dock master's office. It goes against zoning rules. Will the City Commissioners abide by the rules? That will be interesting to see.

Hopefully it will be deferred as has been the case for a year or so now, but the clueless people at Grove Harbour just will not give up.

Comm. Joe Sanchez, who is running for Mayor under the promise of "Neighborhoods First," can actually prove if he means that. The vast majority of the neighborhood is against the building of a four story office building on the waterfront. Hopefully Joe will be, too, if he is putting neighborhoods first.

I asked him about it not long ago and his exact words to me were, "It's dead." Well apparently it is alive. But he can have a big hand in making it dead. Is Joe Sanchez for the neighborhoods first or for big business? Let's see.

Comm. Tomás Regalado, also running for mayor, can prove the same thing and hopefully our own district Commissioner, Marc Sarnoff will vote how the majority of his neighbors wish -- against the project, which is so out of place for the requested area.

That will be the three votes needed to kill the project. The other two commissioners seem to be in favor of the project, it's not in their neighborhood, so of course they don't care or wish to care. I am speaking of Commissioners Michelle Spence-Jones and Angel Gonzalez.

I do think this vote will be very telling in how the Grove will vote in the mayor's race in November. On that note, there is a debate planned between Sanchez and Regalado for September. Details to come.

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