Thursday, September 23, 2010

Coconut Players appeals City's Strut decision

Keith Root, the president of Coconut Players, Inc. has sent a letter to City Attorney Carlos
Migoya, appealing his September 9, King Mango Strut decision, on giving the Strut date to King Mango Strut, Inc., which the BID agreed to on Tuesday at a late afternoon meeting. The BID also agreed to give $15,000 in funding to King Mango Strut, Inc. on Tuesday.

Keith states in the two page letter: "After you approved our permit, the Coconut Players spent a significant amount of money to notify the property owners near the parade route that we are producing this year’s parade and how that might affect them. This is part of a city requirement for a mailing with returned signed receipts. We have also been promoting the parade and encouraging participation through a variety of media."

He went on to say: "Last year, the Coconut Players submitted their application to produce the 2009 parade. Without corporate authority Ms. [Antoinette] Baldwin submitted an application using the name of King Mango Strut Inc. In November former City Manager Pete Hernandez mediated an agreement to break the deadlock. At the end of that meeting, King Mango Strut, Inc. was awarded the parade permit based on certain conditions to be met, including the two officers [Glenn and Antoinette according to the letter] working together with a new appointed board to produce the parade."

The whole letter may be seen here.

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