Monday, September 30, 2013

Getting the waterfront facts straight

I love how Mark Dawson, Managing Principal of Sasaki Associates, who drew up the Waterfront Master Plan, sent a glowing letter to Commissioner Marc Sarnoff, saying how much he loved the plan for the Scotty's/Chart House location. I saw this letter a couple of months ago, it was sent to me by the Commissioner's office, in hopes that I would publish it.

This did seem strange to me, as it does not fit the Sasaki plan at all. The original plan calls for 7000 square feet of restaurant/retail space or less. The current plan has 100,000 square feet, plus a huge garage. How can Mr. Dawson approve of this?

Now it comes to light that Mr. Dawson of Sasaki, says he hasn't really looked at the plan in any detail. "My initial response was in relationship to the physical nature of the plan and not the detail," he states. 

It actually does not fit the physical nature of the plan. At all.

Thanks to Charles Corda, Grove activist, who has been on top of this mess since the beginning, this letter from Mr. Dawson was sent this week, to rectify his championing of the project without even seeing it:

"Mr. Corda,   

I am just returning from a well need respite to Montana. I appreciate you sharing the detail nature of what is embedded in the current proposal. The detail of which was not available at the time of my initial response. My initial response was in relationship to the physical nature of the plan and not the detail. I found the general plan appeared to be consistent and improved upon from the 2008 Master Plan and did say the devil is in the detail.....I hope to receive the detail proposal soon from the city so I can respond thoroughly and formally. I will also review carefully the details you have attached with Tom Moriarity who provided the economic and market assessment for the mater plan.  Thank you again for your thoughtful communication and I apologize for my tardy response."

Mark O. Dawson, FASLA
Managing Principal 
Sasaki Associates

Something else that is a bit disturbing, or maybe it isn't, but the law firm of Katz, Barron, Squitero & Faust, here in the Grove, had a presentation and discussion of the waterfront project with its employees planned, which is all well and good, but Commissioner Sarnoff was to be present and no dissenting citizens will were. 

I sent the law firm an email asking the following regarding this dog and pony show:

"Why is a law firm getting involved in this project and why is Comm. Marc Sarnoff being invited yet no one who is against the project invited? As you may or may not know, the majority of Coconut Grove businesses and residents are against the project. 

"Is this legal to have the Commissioner there? I'm just asking, this does not sound right. He voted on the project and I'm not quite sure why he needs to push his agenda on your employees."

Their response came back: "
The meeting you reference has been cancelled." 

Now that makes sense. You don't s--t where you eat.

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