Thursday, April 7, 2011

Engaging the un-engaged

I found a chink in the armor regarding involvement in the Grove. What I mean is that many people in the village don't have a clue about things going on in the village and I think we need to remedy that.

While I like to think that everyone reads the Grapevine, apparently they don't. Each Friday when I visit the food truck that is here for the day, I meet many people from the agencies at Mayfair, you know, Crispin-Porter and Sony and that ilk. As I talk to them, I am shocked to know they don't know about the Great Grove Bed Race or about things like Mad Men Monday. They know the tv show Mad Men since the Crispin-Porter people are ad people, but they don't know about our Monday Mad Men event at the Mayfair (say that three times fast).

Mad Men Monday, like the tv show, is on hiatus right now. But it would be incredible to get a bunch of these young ad types to attend each week. Same with the Bed Race. They are intrigued by it, but knew nothing about it. One guy told me he was in a couch race in Orlando once, though!

So anyway, I'm talking about hundreds of office workers who are here daily, who we should engage and have be a part of Grove events including the Bed Race, the Gallery Walk, the Chamber of Commerce, Merchants Group and even Fourth of July -- basically everything. I'm working on it each Friday as I speak with them more and more, I am also introducing them to the Grapevine, which they seem to be getting a kick out of -- it's something new to them.

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