Monday, November 22, 2010

What is this cult called BNI?

Ever since I wrote the story on my BNI experience, I have been contacted via email and on the street, non-stop by people who are also ex-BNI members. They all agreed with my assessment and I have received so many invitations to other groups to be a member and to cover their events and to take photos. I've even been invited to so many events and other things just for speaking out against the beast BNI.

People are coming out of the woodwork to applaud my assessment of BNI. A couple of people disagreed, but most felt the same, so it may behoove BNI to take action and stop being snobs and take your noses out of the air. People are watching. At a couple of meetings for other things this week, people were approaching me and telling me of their BNI horror stories. These are all professionals -- doctors, lawyers, business owners.

People were afraid of retribution, so they didn't want their letters to me or their names shared here. But they did give me their names and positions. So they were quite forward with that, they just don't want to bear the wrath of BNI or its zombies members. What is this cult?

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