Monday, June 25, 2012

Visiting Monks participate in Mandala Ceremony

Do you feel a little bit more blessed today? It could be because the Tibetan Monks, who have spent all week at Zen Village, paraded through the village yesterday, blessing everyone along the way.

Akshobhya Mandala sand painting took place all week at Zen Village. The monks created a beautiful Mandala. Then, on their last day, they destroyed the Mandala. The sacred cosmograms originated in India over 2,500 years ago. The intricate process is meant to reconsecrate the earth and heal its inhabitants.

After the monks pray over the Mandala, they sweep all the sand up and hand it out to those who watched or participated. Then the remaining sand is tossed into the nearest living stream to be swept away into the ocean.

The reason that the Mandala is destroyed it so show the world that nothing is permanent, not even the perfectly created Mandala. The monks marched from Zen Village down Main Highway.

Down McFarlane Road toward Peacock Park, with many followers behind.

As Master Tsai of Zen Village prays with the monks over the urn of sand. They prepare to disburse it into Sailboat Bay, our nearest waterway in Coconut Grove.

Photos by David McBurnett

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