Monday, June 4, 2012

TreeWatch files an appeal for Commodore trees

Our Buds at TreeWatch, get it, Buds, TreeWatch? Anyway, they filed an appeal on behalf of the trees on Commodore Plaza, last week, that are slated for removal as part of that pesky street scape plan.

The letter went out to Alexander Adams, Historic Preservation Officer, it reads:

Dear Preservation Officer Adams,

This appeal is filed by TreeWatch on behalf of the residents of the City of Miami whose desire it is to protect the trees that are targeted for removal along Commodore Plaza. As has been the case with prior applications submitted by the City of Miami’s Capital Improvement Program on behalf of the Coconut Grove Business Improvement District’s Sidewalk Renovation project, this single application affects a number of trees, all of which were assessed in 2010 by a horticulturist, Lisa Hammer, who was hired as consultant to review the trees throughout the streets of downtown Coconut Grove affected by this project in order to report on the health of the trees, so as to determine which can be removed for health reasons, and thus make way for the planting of new trees which utilize the Silva-Cell system for guiding roots so as not to protrude on sidewalks.

TreeWatch raises the concern that the trees affected by the application are in various degrees of health, and asks the HEP Board members that they examine carefully the case of each individual tree to spare all or as many of them as possible from removal that may not be necessary.

Project Scope:
Removal of eleven (11) trees, numbered (211, 212, 218, 222, 225, 229, 230, 232, 233, 234, and 238) and relocate one (1) Gumbo Limbo tree (#237) as part of CIP Project #B-30687, on Commodore Plaza between Grand Avenue and Main Highway, and replace these 22 new trees.

More on the survey and links to the trees in question here.

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