Friday, May 18, 2012

Talk of "cafe parklets" downtown, but we did it first

A press release went out recently about Grand Central Park in downtown Miami spearheading Florida's first "Pavement to Parks" pilot program, where they are going to install "cafe parklets in metered parking spots."

We actually have done that here more than once in Coconut Grove, as shown above.

From the press release: "Three local Downtown businesses, Elwoods Gastropub, The Corner, and Grand Central are participating in the program, which will involve renting two metered spaces in front of each business and placing a wooden deck with railing and planters to increase the outdoor seating area and allow people, rather than cars to occupy the public right of way."

“We are excited to continue the implementation of low cost, high impact urban redevelopment programs such as parklets and pop-up parks that have been extremely successful in major Cities around the country” said Bradley Knoefler, Founder and President of the Omni Parkwest Redevelopment Association Inc.

what we did in Coconut Grove on one of our Parking Days, which is a National Day that happens in September usually. How about giving us some credit guys for doing it all in one day -- setting it all up, including all the sod laying, etc. and then having it all removed by rush hour.

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