Thursday, May 10, 2012

Are the trees on Commodore marked for removal?

COMMODORE PLAZA TODAY.  Photo courtesy TreeWatch

TreeWatch and many neighbors are concerned about trees coming down on Commodore Plaza, I was awakened last night from a sound sleep about this issue, but it's not a surprise, it has been part of the BID's streetscape plan, which is Commissioner Marc Sarnoff's plan, since day one, hasn't it?

It was all a surprise to us when the trees on SW 27 Avenue
were hacked by the county, but so many trees in the Center Grove are on the chopping block and it is part of the plan and has been.

From one neighbor:
"I see the trees on Commodore Plaza are marked for destruction, did you ever learn what they plan to replace them with? I am in a state of perplexity over this issue, it is the most moronic project I have ever encountered in my life. The only thing that makes sense is 'they' are getting healthy kick-backs because if you recall the same time this project was approved the city laid off policemen and firemen."

It was thought that the Florida Avenue job would be completed by now. The trees there are
slated for removal and replacement, but nothing has been done yet, so it is assumed that it will be one fell swoop and all the trees will be removed at once. And then replaced with smaller trees, but not before the "all important" Silva Cell system is installed below each new tree.

From another person:
"I cannot believe such a selfish project by the BID at the cost of these trees. I cannot believe that all those people who joined the Grove promo for the Playhouse  wrapped ribbons, got hand bands and buttons and banners, turned out to sing Cumbayah then went  home to forget about it, and no one gives a sh-- about the Trees of the Grove, which are just as important and as part of the "Grove Brand" as the Playhouse.

So far,

11 trees on Florida Avenue

5 trees on May and Virginia,
and now 9 trees on Commodore Plaza and Main Highway.

That is 25 trees and we are not even counting 20 more that are going to get the same death sentence along Fuller.  I guess they are leaving those for last. Then they will begin with Phase 2 and that will pretty much take care of trees along Grand and Main. I keep telling people but nobody listens."

Basically it's like this, a majority of the business owners who are part of the BID, seem to want this, they don't speak up against it and they control the Center Grove. The residents do not seem to want trees removed. Many feel that there is corruption involved in some way, shape or form otherwise the project would not go ahead since so many residents are against it. But the business owners are apparently in favor of it. One way to maybe show your dismay is to ask the particular business or restaurant you are doing business with if they are in favor of the project. Tell them how you feel about it. Engage in a dialogue. Many of the business owners involved are afraid to speak up against the project and so the massacre goes ahead. 

From the TreeWatch Facebook page: "Nine Trees on Commodore Plaza in Coconut Grove are marked for destruction for no other reason than they interfere with redecorating plans by the BID."

Coconut Grove TreeWatch plans on appealing the tree removal plan for Commodore Plaza and there is
a petition here if you would like to sign it.

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