Saturday, January 22, 2011

Your tax dollars at work

This sign is up across from Calamari on Main Highway, we noticed it during lunch the other day. It's sort of a how-to for the Commdore Trail, which is sort of bike paths through the area, which nobody really understands, since it is not a trail, hence the sign with rules.

I love the one that says "Announce Yourself." It reminds me of the old Honemooners episode where Ralph Cramden is learning to golf and Ed Norton grabs the clubs and Ralph tells him he has to "address the ball." So Ed says, "Hellooo Ball . . . "

The part that says, "If you stop, get off the trail" is funny, too, since the trail is a sidewalk in this area. So it's almost as if you cannot stop on the sidewalk for any reason, and if you do, you have to move into the street to avoid blocking others on the sidewalk/trail.

And protect yourself and others almost sounds like a condom ad. Who came up with this stuff?

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