Friday, January 21, 2011

Burn Notice producer co-writes best seller


Apparently, the guys from Burn Notice are not just sitting around taking it easy on their downtime. One of the producers Elayne Keratsis has written along with Bobby Martini called, "Citizen Somerville: Growing Up With The Winter Gang" It's a novel about Massachusetts's legendary underworld Howie Winter and his lieutenants, but it's seen from the eyes of the women and children of the time. That's Elayne above, flanked by Burt Reynolds and Roddy Piper, who guest stared on Burn Notice.

It is the true story of the Boston Irish Mob and culminates in the Miami trial of FBI rogue agent John Connolly here in Miami last year.

This self publishing odyssey began after the authors' signed agreement with Penguin was canceled. Instead of starting over, they moved ahead and made the decision to self publish and almost overnight the book has become a regional best seller as well as #4 on Amazon's Hot New Release List.

"The book sold two thousand copies in its two and a half week release period via Amazon and was picked up by several local Boston Bookstores including the Harvard Bookstore and Porter Square Books. A Somerville, Mass book signing expanded interest to several bookstore chains including Borders. The book is number 4 on this week's Boston Globe Bestseller List for paperback non-fiction," says Elayne.

Part of the success of the book is due to best selling Irish author Sam Millar, who ordered the book the day of the release and then appearing on BBC radio, calling the book a "soon to be crime classic." The rest has simply been word of mouth that is continuing across the country.
A preview of "Citizen Somerville" and interviews with crime survivors may be seen at YouTube here.

The book is 428 pages and is $16.95. It's available at Amazon here.

Authors Bobby Martini, left and Elayne Keratsis

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