Sunday, January 16, 2011

The bomb scare

The other night after we left the Back Lot event, I got calls from two friends, there apparently was a bomb threat in the neighborhood! The streets were shut down and the parking garages at CocoWalk and Mayfair were diverted. All the police were out. Did someone not like the grand opening party? Did they not like a movie? This was really strange.

I called a friend who had a quarrel with a business at CocoWalk earlier in the week and asked her if she had called in the threat! Of course she hadn't. In fact, it wasn't a called in threat. It something left on the side of the building.

It ended up being a sleeping bag and some other items owned by one of the boat live aboards. His one little roll of personal items caused this big production! Never a dull moment. Something to be added to our reality show called Coconut Grove.

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