Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Looks like they're having a mulching party

Well it's not really a party, but it's a get together to get rid of the remaining mulch that is left over from last weekend's TreeMendous Miami plantings. The US 1 planting and maintenance day went very well, but there is still a lot of mulch left to be placed down.

Volunteers are needed to meet on Wednesday afternoon, June 5, between 4 and 6 pm (come whenever you can) to disperse the mulch around the plantings. Meet at the "mulch piles" left around SW 19 Avenue off US1 where most of the undistributed mulch is located.

The mulch would then be distributed with wheel barrows into the native plant area immediately adjacent to the piles as well as load containers of mulch into supplied vans to bring to areas further away.

Last Friday, weed killer was sprayed around the flowering trees in the stretch between 17th to 19th Avenues, along US1 and more will be sprayed this week.

The main idea with the mulch is to get rid of it, so if you have containers you would like to bring, you are more than welcome to take some for your own homes.

Everyone is asked to help if possible and if you can, please bring pitch forks, yard rakes, wheel barrows and suitable containers if you have them. 

At the end of the work, beer and dinner at a local dive are planned. Bring an extra shirt to change into for dinner. "Local dive," their words, not mine.

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