Wednesday, February 1, 2012

We need new blood, the old blood is rancid

Last night we had a lively conversation over at Facebook regarding the BID and other Grove issues. I like to think that most of the people on Facebook are young and fresh and not the same old guard who have run Coconut Grove into the ground these oh so many years.

People are concerned. While Brickell, South Miami, South Beach and Coral Gables thrive, Coconut Grove is going down hill fast.

Check out the comments that people left at Facebook. I think you do need to be a Facebook member to read them and you have to "like" the page. People are disgusted and something needs to be done to help our village which seems to be on life support these days.

Brian Breslin, prominent Grove businessman, brought up these questions:
1. Does the BID have a website or anywhere we can find out more information about them?
2. What is the chambers role in this?
3. What is the village council's role in this?

The BID's website is, they paid a lot for it, ironically nobody knows about it though. If a tree falls in the woods and nobody is there, does it make a sound?

As for question 2, anyone, anyone? Lili? Andres? Sandy?

As for question 3, Michelle?

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