Thursday, January 5, 2012

Coconut Grove is like it's own little reality show

Burn Notice will be back to film in March. As of now, they seem to be the Grove's current claim to fame. I still get many emails regarding Burn Notice. People ask where they are filming and if they can watch or they just want to see the locations when they are in town.

I had a couple email me about coming down for the King Mango Strut and they wanted to eat or have a drink in a location that Burn Notice has filmed in. I told them about various places, I also told them where they could see some of the sets, even though they are closed for the season, they're still a tourist attraction.

I used to joke about having a reality show about Coconut Grove, but perhaps that would be something that would keep us on the map, tourist-wise -- a weekly reality show. Someone came up with the name, "Desperate Grovites," one time. I always liked that.

When the Grapevine first started out, I would write about the same people and places over and over again, which seemed to annoy some, but I was actually writing as if we were a little reality show and I was keeping up with the characters in the same locations. I know that visitors would come to town and ask to see the places and people I was writing about.

I have connections with Bravo tv and Endomal productions, which produces so many reality shows. Maybe we should really look into it.

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