Thursday, August 29, 2013

Traffic study, water and sewer study?

You know what? At first I thought there were just a handful of people who were against the new waterfront project, Grove Harbour, which they have now dubbed "Grove Horror," but this thing has taken on a life of its own. A handful of people want the project, the locals and voters do not. Everywhere I go, I overhear people talking about the project. The consensus is that they don't want it.

The owners of the Grove Harbour  development are preparing a voting campaign. They want to get together with groups and at civic meetings to push their plan on people. Why do they need to shove this down people's throats? You know, the Wal-Mart way and Home Depot.

Glenn Terry, as usual, has some interesting reading today here and I received this open letter to the Commissioners and Miami-Dade Mayor from Grovite Tom Boyce:

Dear Miami Commissioners and Miami-Dade Mayor :

As I understand it developer's of major projects must have a traffic study completed.  With regard to the Grove Harbor project I know that the widening of 27th Avenue is underway but what about South Bayshore which is two lanes through residential neighborhoods and past a very busy park and children's playground and yacht clubs and then four lanes again only to end at the complex and slow stop light in front of CocoWalk in the center of the Grove.  Has a traffic study been completed, or will it be completed and made public, before we are asked to vote on this project?

I have read in the Miami Herald that not even a sink can not be added to an existing business in the Mayfair due to the strain on existing  service of the Water and Sewer Department  and that a moratorium is in place for the Grove area.  It seems that this project will  be replacing two small restaurants with four larger restaurants and banquet facilities with over 620 seats occupancy without the "casual restaurant" seats or retail added in.  Can you enlighten me as to when additional services will be added to our area?

Will the the private interests in this development be paying into the infrastructure fund as required by private developments or will the City of Miami, or Miami-Dade County, be absorbing the costs entirely?

Could you please tell me if and where these two items, with regard to the Grove Harbor development that you are proposing the voters approve, are to be found?

Commissioner Sarnoff I know you have fought hard to end the 5 AM closings of the bars in the Grove,  and I thank you for that, what will be the closing times for these new establishments?


Tom Boyce
Coconut Grove

From the Editor: That little coffee shop that was to open on Fuller Street, which was about 400 square feet, if that, cannot open because of the problem with the water and sewer system. They had built the place, but the city did not permit them to open, so it's a store now. 400 square feet could not get a water and sewer permit. How is this waterfront project getting one? They using the bay water?

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