Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Grove merchants need to stand up and fight

I do wish the Center Grove business owners were as much concerned about the Grove Harbour Mall as they are about where and when the Bed Race moves.  It seems that when something important comes up, they relay on activists to step in and do the job for them. 

The Center Grove is the business and entertainment district. It should remain so. The waterfront should be something else, it should be open to the public and have water-related businesses. A few restaurants (not chrome and glass) and some water-related businesses (boating stores, kayak rentals, etc.)

We're going from quaint shrimp boats and Scotty's Landing to a mall! Think about it guys.

The whole waterfront project should fit inside the footprint of Scotty's and the Charthouse, with no chrome and glass and no connections or interior spaces connecting the two. The waterfront should remain a rustic, working waterfront. This is what will draw locals and tourists just as much as a chrome and glass mall.

Once the waterfront is gone, that's it guys. No more going back.

The interesting thing about all this is that the Center Grove has a lot of empty space. CocoWalk has plenty of space. Have the Center Grove landlords thought about reassessing their rental prices? All these empty spaces would be full if the rent was reasonable. 

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