Sunday, May 12, 2013

Remembering Maggie

Maggie James was memorialized on Friday night with a big party in her honor at Berries in the Grove. Maggie requested the party rather than a sad wake. She passed away a week before.

Maggie always had a smile on her face and she was involved in so many Coconut Grove events from the King Mango Strut to so many gallery openings and showings. You know I always believe the orbs that show up in photos are people. Well if you look to the very right of this photo, you'll see one orb trying to get in the picture. I think that's Maggie at her own party.

In 2008, AnnaMaria Windish-Hunt had a special Christmas gift for so many of us. It was a personalized piece of art, we were each set in our own element. Maggie was one of the Village People, equating her with being one of the Grove's village people. You can see my piece here, just so you can get an idea of what the project was about. Maggie was a part of those fun years when every day seemed like a holiday in the Grove.

Here's Maggie (top center) in 2009 at a clown themed Breakfast with the Artist, which was very popular back then.

The photos on the older stories at the link above are much larger and they don't fit the new format of the Grapevine, that's why they overlap like that.

More friends at Friday's memorial party. Bob and Eileen Brennan with AnnaMaria Windisch-Hunt and another friend, Vivian.

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