Saturday, August 18, 2012

Obama Wins -- The Grove Spot bed!

Joyce Nelson, left, and Mary Ellen George, flank Daisy Lewis.
Joyce and Mary Ellen won the Grove Spot bed for the Obama Campaign Office.

The local Coconut Grove Obama campaign office bid on The Grove Spot's bed Friday night at the Bed Race's Get Rolling Gathering at Mr. Moe's. It was a lot of fun. Bed Race director, Daisy Lewis stood up on top of the bed and the crowd bid. Bidding started at $50 and many dropped out at about $300. But the ladies from the campaign office stayed in and they got it for $425.00. It was worth about $1000 between the construction time and material.


We brought two beds over, The Grove Spot bed and the local police's Grove-50 bed. As Armando Paz and I wheeled The Grove Spot bed down the blocks from Virginia Street to Commodore Plaza, people were hooting and hollerin' and they knew what was going on! Most knew that that was the bed up for bid! So many of them asked us, "Is that the bed being bid on?" I guess people around here do pay attention to what's going on!

The funniest thing was when we went back to get the Grove-50 bed from where it is stored and as we walked down the block, in the rain, I got a phone call. It was one of the local Grove cops, asking me where I was going with his bed. This was really funny, I looked around, didn't see any cops, but he must have seen me and I think Daisy was with me.

I said to him, "Can't a person walk down the street, in the rain with a bed on wheels without everyone noticing? This town is too damn small!" Which really is funny when you think about it.


Danny here has the right idea, he was taking photos of the bed on site to get an idea of how they were put together. This is the Grove-50, a winning bed. Anyway, the Get Rolling Gathering was nice, I saw a lot of familiar faces and lots of people I hadn't seen for a while. It was a typical fun Grove event where everyone knew everyone's name.

The Great Grove Bed Race is Sunday, September 2. There is still time to sign up here if you think you want to try getting a team up:

Lisa Shallenberger, Lisa Fiore Kargauer and Mercedes, the bartender at Mr. Moe's.

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