Thursday, October 10, 2013

Is there any real merit to the Grove Bay plan?

I don't like to publish comments here that don't have a name attached, but this comment just came in on the story below and it says what I could not put into words. I love the part where he/she mentions that they are going 10 miles away to get voters. This is one of those things that raises a red flag about this. So far, no one has talked to the voters about the job, a handful of people will benefit, take their money and leave the Grove and we are left with the remains. Here is the great anonymous comment:

After months of trying to insult and marginalized any commenters as "old Grove hippies" and non-progressives,"  after months of their attempts to paint those who are against the project as uninformed or mistaken while changing the public story as to what's actually planned to be built, their only tactic left is to pick on some guys sign [they are picking on Glenn's sign in the photo below]??

Once it was clear to the players in this game that a majority of the Grove residents are against this plan in its current iteration, they and Sarnoff in particular gave up on trying to sell us yet another of the ever changing waterfront plan and tried to sell the idea to those outside the community giving those of us who live here a not so subtle "go f--- yourselves, if you won't do what I want I'll get votes by trying to sell the idea to people that live ten miles away."

If there was any real merit to this idea, any real plan for the local community benefit, not just for a few businesses and a couple restaraunt owner, one would think he would have embraced this chance to talk with the hundred or so people who came out in opposition to this. That's over 100 people who actually live here he had the opportunity to inform and clarify. His absence and silence speaks volumes as to his opinion of we who live in the Grove.

Instead, his shills come here and, once again, ignore the fact that so many came out and instead try to focus on one aspect of one sign and try to dismiss the opinions of all who showed up because of that homemade sign. This is the second time now that the shills have tried to create racial tensions over this.

There seem to be an inordinate amount of pro-garage/mall posting here out of nowhere. I think you need to organize a pro-project rally.

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