We lost three Grovites this week: Gary Ciuca, Allen Sweeny and Richard Troutner. Above, at left, is Richard, I'm sorry I don't have a better photo, he was wet from working at one of the Grove events in the rain. At right is Allen's wife Donna Sweeny, with Gary Ciuca.
Below is a tribute that Elena Carpenter sent in for Allen. I will run something on Richard and Gary later this week.

In a generation sorely lacking heroes, we search for those we can look up to, learn from and guide us to seek a better way, a higher road, an impeccable spiritual path. A person of distinguished moral courage - in myth and legend a great warrior – to serve as a model for those not as brave, not as noble, not as fearless.
Allen Sweeny rates the title of hero in my book. A past president of the Chamber of Commerce, his civic commitment was extensive, particularly active in organizations that readily took advantage of his many talents and generous disposition. Honoring his true Irish lineage, he could sing limericks while strumming his guitar, easily inspired by a good Chardonnay and congenial company. Just like a modern day hero should.
One struggles to find words adequate enough to embrace his class, his dignity, his savoir faire. Yet when Allen spoke, this Harvard graduate with Kansas charm, his words were like polished arrows that pierced the true meaning of even the most profound thoughts.
How could words capture the style, the grace, the worth; or even approximate the playful twinkle in the eyes of this man who could dance with wolves and soar with eagles?
He was truly a humble man. You could know him for long and never discover his impressive professional background. You were more likely to learn about his deep love for Miami, his true commitment to the community, his fabulous game of racquetball, love of sailing, and his passion for Fluffy the wonder dog.
He was Senior Vice President for Del Monte Foods and RJR Nabisco, yet he never let that get in the way of his deep understanding of the needs of the small business owners and merchants in Coconut Grove. He wrote eight books on Finance and Strategic Planning and still took time to write editorials for the Coconut Grove Times and Miami Monthly. He gave of his time generously, to civic and philanthropic endeavors, and although he claimed to be retired, he somehow put in forty-hour work weeks.
For over two decades, I considered our friendship to be one of the greatest gifts I have received in my life. The Chamber aptly honored him for being a gift to the community. He enhanced my life, and that of many others. Because this man with the gentle touch, gracious smile and kind heart always offered words of wisdom, songs of grace and blessings aplenty.
Every time I was with Allen Sweeny, I felt I was touched by an angel. Now, Allen is finally an angel.
Our loss, heaven’s gain.
Services will be on Sunday, at 2pm, at Riviera Presbyterian Church at 5275 Sunset Drive..
Elena V. Carpenter
Coconut Grove
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