When we last visited Cyndy Hill and Eileen Seitz, they were working on the Coconut Grove Children's Mosaic Community Project at the NET office. They were cutting and preparing tiles to be made into panels, which volunteers would then put together.
Last Friday, the panels were on the move, the ladies took them over to the hanger at Shake-A-Leg to start the thin set and grouting portion of the project.
The sections were set out on the floor of the large hanger and the final stages were taken on.
Boaters at Shake-A-Leg, and the community at large, have stopped by to help out. Over the weekend 34 of the 56 30" x 30" panels were treated with thin set. Monday, the grouting began.
This part of the two year project will be done by the end of this week and then the main event should be taking place in a month or so -- the installation onto the Post Office wall on McDonald Street. The hold up is logistics, the intallation company cannot do the job until the end of September to mid-October.
Scott and Mark, a couple of boaters who happened by, helped Cyndy and Eileen work over the weekend.
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