Monday, August 15, 2011

Free parking at Kennedy Park draws boaters, too

As you may or may not know, the police give parking tickets for people parked alongside the road at Kennedy Park. That's a no parking zone and on weekends, dozens of cars, maybe hundreds, are ticketed for parking outside the parking lot. We wrote about that last summer here.

I noticed something very interesting -- some of the cars that are parked in the Kennedy Park lot are for people who are going boating down the block at the Seminole Boat Ramp. People are launching their boats from the boat ramp, and visiting boater friends park their cars at the Kennedy Park lot all day because there is no meter. It's free parking. I've seen boats stop at outside the park at the end of the day and people jump out of the car or boat and get into their parked cars at Kennedy Park and drive off. The boats on the trailers stay at the boat ramp lot, but those who are boating with friends park at Kennedy Park and take up the few spots.

So the people who are being ticketed for legitimately trying to park and stay at Kennedy Park, are being screwed over by those who are boating all the way down at the Boat Ramp. Something to make you go hmmm.

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