"Days of Slumber," is the title of the next Get Rolling Gathering for this year's Great Grove Bed Race. The Happy Hour is Thursday, August 18 at the Mayfair rooftop pool.
Come out and learn how to build a bed, sign up for a bed or just hang out. And 880 The Biz, radio station will be transmitting live from the gathering.
Tinker Tank Miami will show you how to actually build a bed from a Bed-Kit they put together. The kit being used can be purchased on August 18 from Shell Lumber (2733 SW 27 Avenue), so if you have already signed up for a bed or plan to (hurry, time is running out, you can do that here), you can easily just pick up a kit and be half way to having your bed made.
The first 100 who show up this Thursday, will get a drink on the house!
If you still aren't enticed to join the happy hour workshop, or for the inches you gain by coming (each friend you bring, buys you an inch on race day on the track), or for the friends, food and fun, then come for the Derby Girls! That's right, Miami's Vice City Rollers, Miami's first ever Roller Derby League, will be attending this event and will be pushing the Tinker Tank bed on September 4, during the Great Grove Bed Race.
So get your sheet together and come out for the Get Rolling Gathering for the Great Grove bed Race this Thursday, at the Mayfair rooftop pool (3000 Florida Avenue) from 7 to 9 pm.
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