The obit in the Herald says that Richard had an offbeat personality, he did. I loved to talk with him. He did the Old Grover blog, you can see his politics, his satire and his offbeatness here. His last post was June 13. Before I met Richard, I used to wonder which one of the funny characters at the top of the blog was him, but of course, none were.
I knew Richard mostly from the BID office, where he worked, but he would email me often and I would see him around town at various events. We would stop and talk on the street for long periods about everything, he was so intelligent and interesting to just listen to. I liked to just stand back and listen.
Richard attended MIT in Cambridge, MA, which ironically is my favorite place to be, not so much MIT, but Cambridge. I stay at the MIT area when I visit Boston and Cambridge and I love that area of the country, I consider moving to that area often, so that really connected me with Richard. I will be there at Thanksgiving time, I'll surely think of Richard as I walk the MIT and Cambridge streets.
From the Herald, "He is survived by his wife of 23 years, Sylvia, and his son Rick who attends the University of Miami. His mother Maxine and a brother James and his sister-in-law Allen of Centerville, TN also survive him. In addition to several nieces and nephews from both sides, and brothers and sisters in law on his wife’s side.
In lieu of flowers please consider making a donation to the Troutner Family Fund set up to help defray the costs of Rick’s education. Donations can be sent c/o Rick Troutner, 2170 SW 22 Terrace, Miami, Florida 33145. Alternately call for account information for direct deposit. (786) 325-0861.
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