When we take back the Grove, you know, as our own city, the first thing to go after we kick the MPA to the curb is get a new police force, one which shows some respect. It's not so much they are parking on the sidewalk, which is really not right, but Saturday night, a well known lady in the Grove, was put in cuffs and almost taken off to jail for parking her Smart Car the wrong way on the street!
She actually wasn't even parked, she stopped for a moment and she was just "standing." The cop came down the street, siren on, lights flashing, as if it was one of the recent drug busts, but it was a little Smart Car facing east and not west, as it should have been.
The lady had two licenses, one old, one new and for some reason, the cop really got upset at this, I guess the Miami PD is now going to regulate what ID's you can now carry in your wallet.
Anyway, the lady called everyone in town, including me, and luckily, her attorney was reached, he said something to the cop on the phone, probably like, "If you don't wanna end up with a lawsuit on your hands, you better let her go." He let the lady go.
But the point is, why can the cops park on the sidewalk which really looks bad, and a lady in her car is almost arrested for a slight traffic infraction -- it was a non-moving violation?
The lady was driving one of those little "toy-looking" smart cards. NOT a green electric car that looks like a golf cart.
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