So yesterday, I'm standing on Grand Avenue, talking on the phone and who walks by? Jeffrey Donovan and Bruce Campbell, the two stars of "Burn Notice." They had been filming all day right down the block at Mayfair. I had almost gone over a few times, but I know they don't like me taking photos and stalking, so I never went over. The season is winding down, August 28 is to be their last day of shooting for awhile. I am invited on to the set all the time, but I never seem to have the time to run over.
But here they were walking up Grand Avenue after the day's shoot. I followed them and took a bunch of photos of their backs and thought that I should get some "real" shots and I caught up with them and snapped away as I talked to them as they walked.
I told them I was from the Grapevine and asked if I could take a few photos. We talked about the Expo Center and how glad all the fans were that they were given permission to stay for another season or two. Jeffrey did most of the talking. They then stopped and I took photos, but then I said, "You can keep walking, I'll just take the photos as you walk." I didn't want to hold them up.
Bruce Campbell didn't like that, you can see him here saying, "No, we don't want you following us, we are through for the day and we're leaving." He went on to say, "We'll stand here and you can take all the photos you want." I only intended to take a few photos and not follow them around town. I really just do it for the fans who request it, I know many from the USA Network fan boards love when I post things. Many email me on a regular basis about the show and ask for photos.
Jeffrey Donovan was in a very good mood. He laughed through the whole thing and you can actually see him calming Bruce Campbell down when he realized I was just taking a few pictures for the Grapevine and I wasn't a rabid fan. In the photo below, you can see Bruce is resigned to the fact that the Grapevine is gonna get their shot, which actually helps promote the show to thousands of people who will see this.
The photos here are the property of the Coconut Grove Grapevine, no one is permitted to copy them and use them elsewhere.
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