If you want to say something like, "I love that movie," or I have the same dog," etc. that's fine, if you want to say "So and so is a crook and stole from my mother," or "the food is terrible at that place and they have roaches," that is not fine, unless you sign your real name and have a track back if we don't know you. I am sure you can figure it out. I don't want to be rude about it, but it's getting out of hand now with the name calling and the threats and the lies that some parties feel they need to throw around to get their own candidate elected.
With the mayoral debate coming up this Wednesday, I think now is a good time to put this new rule in place.
You'll notice that the comments that have names attached are the ones taken seriously, like Lili Dones, Harry Gottlieb, Michelle Niemeyer, or even "Blind Mind," who has a "pen name" but links back to himself (and I know who he is), and so on. They have the balls to sign their names, how about having the balls to sign your name?
No more nonsense, threats and stupid comments from anonymous people. If you want to threaten me or others, you will have to post your name. If you want to put down one politician over another or call me a liar you can't use fake names like "Mathilda," anymore, you need to have a name and a link to who you really are.
Too many people have stopped me on the street and asked for this. I'm sorry if you feel your civil rights are affected and you cannot speak in fear of retribution from neighbors, I don't buy that, I say what I want daily and I show my face around town daily and no one has put a horses head in my bed yet.
Thank you.
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