Of the three people in charge of the playhouse, one is a very big lobbyist in the state, the chairman lives in Broward County, and third guy won’t even shake Sarnoff's hand.
Comm. Sarnoff was on the board for six months and they refused to have a meeting when he could meet. He said that it is time for the BID board to publicly say, “You have $20,500,000 in a bond issued by the County.” District Commissioner Carlos Gimenez is pushing forward an ordinance that says any money that has been allocated but not spent goes back to the County.
The incompetent playhouse board is on the verge of losing $20,500,000. But as of now, the county has been unwilling to pull the money.
The Playhouse also has a reverter clause that says that the state will take back the facility if it’s not run as a playhouse (a movie theater was considered). So far it's been vacant for four years and the state has not acted.
The Playhouse signed a development agreement with Aries Development, the company that owns Calamari.
There is talk of the MPA (Miami Parking Authority) putting money into the playhouse and building a garage adjacent to the property.
Legal action may be the next step. It may be the only way to get something moving. The current board apparently doesn't give a damn about the place. We still aren't sure why they are even on the board or why there still is a board at this late date.
The Playhouse Charrette conducted a year or so ago went nowhere. That report is here.
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