We are hearing a lot about the NET offices and that they may be closed as of October 1, the beginning of the city's fiscal year.
Because of deep cuts in city services, the NET offices are on the chopping block. Many are concerned. I have been asked to list the emails of the City Commission and hopefully, they will save the NET offices.
If you would like to remind the City Commissioners of how important the NET offices are, here are their emails, they are deciding the fate of the NET offices tomorrow.
Angel Gonzalez, District 1: agonzalez@miamigov.com
Marc Sarnoff, District 2: msarnoff@miamigov.com
Joe Sanchez, District 3: jsanchez@miamigov.com
Tomás Regalado, District 4: tregalado@miamigov.com
Michelle Spence-Jones, District 5: MSpence@miamigov.com
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