Dori Barna served up some good drinks last night at the Chamber networker at Lulu. A lot of new faces showed up for the event and we saw a couple of people sign up as members right on the spot. It was a good night. Dori will be at Lulu's on White Friday offering complementary white sangria to all guests dressed in white.
Mary Faden of Barriocuda won this bottle of liquor in the raffle and we ended up winning three prizes -- two restaurant certificates and a t-shirt. At right are Benjamin Caban, director of sales at the Sonesta Hotel and Giovanni Colosi a sales executive with the Marlins.
From left are Ken Drodvillo with Curtis Crider, General Manager of the Sonesta and Krysten Llamas with Joe Reyes of Helicopters Over Miami.
Some Coconut Grove Elementary PTA Members, from left: Ginji, Sacha and Abigail DuBéarn with Marcie Lakin.
Linda Sussman, Venus Brown and Susan Tolles enjoyed martinis outside under the awning.
And preparing all those delicious fried green tomatoes, goat cheese croquettes and schichimi corn were Kris Gerlach, Jean-Marie Michel and Anne Wills.
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