Thursday, September 16, 2010

Fuel Dock issue deferred for 60 days

We sat at City Hall all morning at the City Commission meeting to see what the outcome of the Controversial Fuel Dock would be. The City Manager seems gung ho on having it built in the Grove somewhere, most likely at Sailboat Bay.

District Commissioner Marc Sarnoff and many others are against it. The City Manager's reasoning is that, not only is it needed, but the city needs the revenue. Village Council Member Michelle Niemeyer and the chair of the original Waterfront Working Committee, along with Joel Krieger and Nathan Kurland sat patiently, waiting to speak on behalf of killing the project.

After sitting through the usual circus at City Hall, the residents who need to stand up and comment on everything that is brought up before the Commission, and then do their shtick and jokes for the room, the issue finally came up after hours and hours of waiting.

The good news is that it has been deferred for 60 days and they removed the two fund transfers from the capital adjustment item. The bad news is that the City seems to never let the Grove decide its own fate. If most Grovites, including the District Commissioner, are against the foolish project, why not side with the residents and find another place to pollute the bay in the name of the almighty buck?

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