His Holiness the Dalai Lama will be here in Coconut Grove in October, at the Windisch-Hunt Gallery for a fundrasier for The Department of Religious Studies at FIU. Also in October, the gallery will host works by Salvador Dali, the famous surrealist painter.
Dr. Barry Burak is involved with both Dalai and Dali, he is part of the host committee for the Dalai Lama's visit, you can see him above (wearing the tie) at his home with the committee including AnnaMaria Windisch-Hunt, Corky Dozier, Master Chufei Tsai of Coconut Grove's Zen Village and others. And the Dali paintings which will be on display are all part of his own personal collection, which will be featured at the Windisch-Hunt Gallery.
The tentative date for the Dalai Lama visit is October 24, more details to come. The Dali's maybe on display for most of the month of October, but details on that to come, too.
As we were visiting at the Antique Market yesterday, sitting around the Merv Griffin set, as we call the back living room area, Niki and John were telling us that they knew one of the Dalai Lama's local chefs. His name is Eric Salter. And just as they were telling us the story, in walks Eric, which was ironic because he had not been to the Antique Market for over a year. But right on cue, he walked in, here he is, below, with AnnaMaria discussing Dalai Lama menus.
I joked that we have His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Salvador Dali and now we need Dolly Parton and we need to wheel them all in on a big dolly!
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