King Mango Strut, Inc. committee is Bullish on this year's parade. The committee from left are: Len Scinto, Nathan Kurland, Jane Decker, Sue McConnell, Antoinette Baldwin, Michael Lucas, Joel Krieger and George Ibars.
This afternoon, the Coconut Grove BID Marketing sub-committee, awarded King Mango Strut, Inc, the date of December 26 for this year's King Mango Strut. It was a unanimous decision by the BID committee members present: Naomi Evans, chair; Monty Trainer, Ron Jakubisin, Sweetpea Ellman and Joe Harrison. David Collins, BID director, was also seated at the table.
The committee also unainmously agreed to give the Strut group $15,000 to help fund this year's parade.
The City first gave the permits to Coconut Grove Players, the group headed by Glenn Terry, but then the City Manager reversed the decision. The BID then had the right to make the final decision. They agreed with the City's final decision and awarded the date and money to King Mango Strut, Inc. whose board was present at the meeting. Antoinette Baldwin did most of the talking and handled the presentation to the BID today.
David Collins, said, "We have waited long enough to make this decision which agrees with the City's decision."
"We're ready to go. We're ready to Strut," said Antoinette.
So the last Sunday of the year, December 26, King Mango Strut, Inc. will put on a parade. Glenn Terry of the Coconut Grove Players was not present at today's meeting, even though we were told that the meeting was arranged at a time and date to accommodate him and his group.
When asked for comment, Glenn Terry said: "The BID did not invite us to or inform us of today's meeting. I heard about it a half hour after it ended. Draw you own conclusions. Coconut Players, Inc. will be producing December's parade nevertheless."
As the Strut turns . . .
Related stories that led up to today's decision: Mangoheads are taking control of strut; Mangoheads choose a new board; Is tonight's meeting a board meeting?; Trademark and licensing is sticking point; Why the Mangoheads are fuming; What the attorneys have to say about the Strut; As the Strut Turns; or let them eat mango; Coconut Players given go ahead by City
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