It's been said that the P.R. was great but it was local and not national. But that isn't the case, we made it all over the national news and most of the beds were from groups who were from outside the Grove. There was one from the Keys and one from Broward and others from other areas of Dade County, so people did come from other areas. Ironically, all winners were Grovites. Another interesting fact is that most of the people in attendance were from outside the Grove. Many Grovites were out of town for the holiday weekend.
Now the winners -- people felt that there should be one winner and no categories, but many felt it wasn't fair last year when ladies and older folks had to run against the UM track team. So categories like women's teams and corporate (which is really not so much corporate but it is over 30 and will be renamed next year).
One major black eye was given by the Miami Parking Authority (MPA), who saw the Bed Race as their cue to ticket whomever they could. We bring the people here and they take advantage. One guy wrote a letter to the editor to the Miami Herald about this last week. The MPA needs to back off at events. It's not a good thing and it works against the merchants. We caught them the night before ticketing cars during the Pub Crawl and Gallery Walk. Buzz killers to be sure.
Tomorrow we'll have the good things about the Bed Race.
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