The Village Council is in the dark. Literally. They have been meeting at the auditorium at Ransom Everglades Middle School, which is beautiful, but there is one problem -- the mic never works right and the council is sitting up on stage in the dark, while the audience is brightly lit. Shouldn't it be the other way around? They may have their next meeting elsewhere next month.
City Hall is still not making a move on allowing the Village Council back to meet in the chamber there, they still are claiming they are trying to work out a meeting schedule where all neighborhood groups can share the space. Of course we all know that the majority, if not all neighborhood groups don't want to meet in City Hall before the glare of the tv cameras. They like to keep their meetings to themselves, they don't even like when I mention anything here about their goings on let alone a whole tv audience.
City Hall keeps pushing papers around and according to a Village Council member who has been asking for a decision, they are too busy to make one now. So for the time being and who knows, maybe forever, the Cocoanut Grove Village Council will meet outside City Hall Chambers and the tv cameras, which is a shame because they deserve to be treated better.
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