Lynn Westall, Senior Assistant to the City Manager, sent out a letter to the Cocoanut Grove Village Council today, stating that the Village Council cannot meet this Thursday in City Hall. Of course many believe that the Center Grove Mafia got to them, fearful of me outing them, as I stated in this post and of course fearful that the 5 am bar closing discussion would occur.
This is what is happening in Coconut Grove. The Mafia strikes again, and for those who don't like hearing it, you need to wake up. The Coconut Grove Mafia are communists. They believe in what Fidel Castro believes -- censorship, lies, bullying and thwarting their neighbors (YOU). They are cowards.
Now get this, these cowards are blaming mayor-elect Tomás Regalado for this. Regalado asked the City Manager, Pete Hernandez, to see if it was possible to include more groups to be seen and heard on cable access channel 77. It had nothing to do with City Hall or the Village Council, he just thought it would be a good idea to have access on tv for all groups.
This was spun around by the Center Grove Mafia to say that the new Mayor is against giving City Hall and tv coverage to the Village Council and as of now, the Council must vacate City Hall. The Center Grove Mafia was endorsing Regaldo all election season, now they are throwing him under the bus. This is what the Center Grove Mafia does. They have no class, they break laws, they lie and back stab. These are your neighbors. (I have proof of all this and will use it if need be).
I spoke directly with Tomás Regalado tonight, about 8 pm, and he is unaware of any changes being made at City Hall regarding the Village Council and he asked for no such changes be made.
He told me he would speak to the City Manager in the morning about changing this stupid misconception of not having the Village Council meet or be on tv at City Hall, but of course, he is being sworn in as Mayor at noon, and he does have that on his plate, so he may not get to speak with the City Manager. But either way, this is what the Center Grove Mafia is up to. They believe in censorship, they do not want the Village Council to be seen or heard, they do not want the public to be able to express their opinions. They like to censor everyone. They don't believe in freedom of speech or other people's opinions. They are dictators.
They lie and deceive, they try to rig elections, they don't care whose name they besmirch (Regalado's in this case) and they will do anything to control everything and everyone. They don't control me (although they have tried many, many times) because I won't let them.
We are living in a Communist Village folks, be aware of this.
As for the City Manager, Pete Hernandez, he never returns my phone calls or emails. He's good at censorship though (remember the time the Village Council Candidates wanted to speak on tv? He shut them down, too. An order from someone else, of course.) He should be the first one out and I could think of another elected official or two who should be next, especially the ones who give Hernandez the orders to pull the plug each time.
This is undemocratic and the Village Council needs to stop rolling over and playing dead all the time. Speak up! Show some courage! There is strength in numbers.
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