Some neighbors and businesses got together and have decided that the time has come for some changes.
BACKGROUND: Coconut Grove has been established as one of Miami's most vibrant entertainment centers, attracting locals and tourists to its restaurants, bars, music, comedy and dance venues.
In June, 2008, The City of Miami passed legislation prohibiting restaurants and bars within the SD-2 Coconut Grove Central Commercial District (downtown Coconut Grove) from serving alcohol past 3 a.m.
This restriction has put downtown Coconut Grove establishments at an even greater disadvantage in an already down economy, as they are forced to compete with the emerging nightlife of nearby Brickell area and South Miami, which remain open until 5 a.m.
The restriction is also unfair in that it is limited to only those establishments within downtown Coconut Grove, while other establishments outside the area of restriction including one within 10 blocks of downtown, are allowed to remain open. At the time the restriction was established, only 2 bars had liquor licenses extending to 5 a.m. Temple and Mr. Moe's. Temple has since closed.
Due to the perception that the Grove Closes early, people are going elsewhere, and business for all the Grove has declined.
WHAT: The petition is to request that the City even the playing field by allowing the SD-2 area of Coconut Grove the "same a.m." alcohol serving cut-off time as it had previously, and which still currently exists in other areas of Coconut Grove and the City of Miami.
All the City has to do is simply remove City Code Chapter 4, Article I, Section 4-3(a)(6) from the City Code.
WHAT IT WOULD MEAN: In doing so, it DOES NOT MEAN that all of Coconut Grove will be serving alcohol until 5 a.m.
All it would do is simply return the right to serve alcohol until 5 a.m. to the one single establishment left that has a license to do so, Mr. Moe's.
Any establishment that would like a 5 a.m. license would still have to pass through the rigorous application process required by the City, and residents in the immediate area are notified, by law, so they have the right to input on each case.
WHAT TO DO: For Coconut Grove to thrive, its businesses need to survive. TELL CITY COMMISSION to SAY YES to SAME A.M. & help keep the Grove Alive!
Please sign the petition here.
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