Tuesday, November 10, 2009

A case of fraud?

This is the memo that went out regarding the Village Council and City Hall (see story below).

The mayor-elect, Tomás Regalado states that he did not request that the Village Council cancel their meeting this Thursday or at any other time. His suggestion was to get more homeowner and other type groups on cable tv's access channel 77, whether it be from City Hall or elsewhere.

This is a case of Regalado's words being twisted in order to silence the Village Council. Do these people think that Regalado is going to be a puppet and treated like this?

The following letter went out late tonight to the current and future Village Council members from Martin Zilber, current Village Council chair:

Dear fellow Council (current and future)

First let me start by congratulating Pat [Sessions] on becoming the new Council Chair (it looks like you will start off w/your hands full) .

As you are ALL aware we are currently not on the agenda for any televised meeting. I spoke to someone from the managers office again tonight and that seems to be the current official position. I have copied everyone on this email, because we all agree this is an important issue and perhaps it will take all of us acting as a Super Council to get things back on track.

As of now, I do not plan on having a meeting on Thursday , unless we are back at city hall. As we all discussed , we need to see just where we stand and when / if we will be back at city hall and on tv. when we get some answers, we can then decide how to transition and when the new council can and should hold their first meeting.

Unfortunately, city hall may be hard to contact tomorrow , but lets see what we can do. I will send a copy of our by laws and Council stationary on a follow up email.

Thank you

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