The Village Council is meeting on Wednesday, November 18 from 6 to 8 pm at the Abanico Theater (3138 Commodore Plaza). That is atop the Academy of Arts and Minds school. You take the elevator to the top.
The new Village Council will be introduced and then the discussion will be about the 3 am to 5 am bar closings. This is the first reading and it will be a discussion only.
I have contacted Mayor Regalado, but still have not heard back his reasoning on having the Village Council vacate City Hall. It's ironic being that City Hall is on Grove land and they are shunning the Grove Village Council, who should have more rights to that land and building than the City of Miami, which really should have their offices and chambers downtown.
The answer I keep getting is that they want to rotate homeowner groups and give everyone a chance at being on tv and meeting there, yet they are sending the Village Council out without being able to be on tv or able to meet there. This is very strange and not making much sense at this point.
The chambers are sitting empty and no one is using them other than the City Commission right now and there is not really even a City Commission right now, or at least a quorum. It's really very, very weird.
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