I find it odd that the City of Miami is shunning the Village Council and refusing to allow them to use City Hall space anymore for their meetings. When in reality, the City of Miami should vacate the Grove and actually have their offices in downtown Miami, not at the Grove's high-end waterfront location.
The City should allow the Cocoanut Grove Village Council access to City Hall because of the mere fact that they are actually in Coconut Grove. It should be out of pure courtesy.
I still have not heard back from Mayor Regalado about City Hall regarding the Village Council. I know he has much more pressing problems on his desk at the moment, they don't even have a City Commission at this point, without a quorum, there is no Commission, is there?
On the other hand, if the Grove wants to be it's own city and wean itself away from Miami, it might be a good idea to start with the Village Council and have the Village Council meet away from City Hall and not depend on Miami City Hall for anything at this point. The mayor seems to have turned his back on the Grove, let's all turn our back on him.
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