Monday, August 31, 2009
Dress for a wedding for this installation

Dozens of brides will be all decked out in wedding gowns, there will even be a justice of the peace on hand if anyone wants to really get married.
The fun starts at 7 pm. Artists presenting sculptural renditions of "The Wedding Dress" are Maruchi Carmona, Elcira Moralesand Jane Tinney. To be even more kitschy, a wedding cake from Wal-mart will be part of the festivities. Raymond Neuberts' art installation "The Wedding Dress" will be bringing some friends from Palm Beach (drag queen friends in wedding dresses). One of the "brides" is shown here.
"Raylight, alias Ray Neubert hits a high note with this idea. I can't wait to go to the gallery opening on Saturday. I am very happy to vamp the night away with him at the gallery among his beautiful multi-media creations. Coconut Grove is in for a treat!," said Yianna Katsoulos, French pop singer, who will be on hand for the event.
Wear a gown or tux, come for the occasion and AnnaMaria would love it if men wore the dresses! It is a multi-layered opening; the Mermaid installation is up and Betty Ann Pober's Dear Diary series is being featured on the back wall.
Village Council seats up for grabs
up for election.
If you would like to run, the qualifying period starts tomorrow, September 1 to Friday, September 11. The NET offices both have applications (2820 McFarlane and 3692B Grand Avenue) or you may download it at the Village Council website here.
There is a $50.00 application fee and applicants must have lived in the Grove for a year.
How the peacock story went down
One neighbor on Micanopy, Murray Epstein, MD, felt it was his job to rid the North Grove of the Peacocks. Not only his street, but the whole North Grove according to emails that went back and forth over the past year. I live in the North Grove, so I do resent that.
Along with Dr. Epstein, Bryan P. Abboud, Charles Valenti, Kenneth Tobin, Joshua Medvin and Eduardo Garcia-Allen, all Micanopy residents, signed one letter asking for results from the Village Council.
Dr. Epstein also hounded Commissioner Marc Sarnoff and his Chief of Staff Ron Nelson non-stop and I truly feel that both Sarnoff and Nelson were on the birds' side, but when you have a squeaky wheel, after awhile, you need to do something. It was either get rid of the peacocks or the doctor, I wish it had been the latter.
Village Council head at the time, Michelle Niemeyer, was also in on the emails and conversations. The subject came before the village council. There was even a peacock count, to see how many there actually were. I never did see a final figure on that.
Dr. Epstein and the others felt that their street was shouldering all the expense and problems of the peacocks. Apparently this was all open to the public, but I usually don't miss much and apparently I missed this and many others had as well.
The final blow was when an email came from Assistant City Manager Roger Hernstadt on Monday, December 15, 2008 that said:
The administration’s position is as follows:
The peafowl may be humanely captured and legally transport to a rural “adoption” farm by a licensed trapper at the property owners discretion and expense.
A trapper named Jeff Wood was hired, he requested written permission to remove the birds, since apparently he did not want the final responsibility. They found the Redland farm, they notified the Discovery Channel and apparently the Herald and the deed was done over the past few months.
Dr. Epstein requested that one male and one female remain in the Grove. Generous guy he is.
So that's the tale of the peacocks. I have asked Dr. Epstein for some sort of statement explaining his side, although we can all agree that Micanopy was being overrun by the birds.
It would have been so much nicer to maybe spead them out into other areas of the Grove, rather than send them to
A vast majority of the neighbors enjoy them and appreciate them. It's a shame that a few big shots, like a doctor and another who works for an aerospace company and others, were able to rid the Grove of their mascot.
Previous stories here and here.
Taste of the Grove is back January 9 and 10
Last Thursday, the committee met at the Chamber. Gary Ciuca and Monty Trainer are co-chairs of the 2-day event. January 9 and 10 are the days, so mark your calendars now.
The event will be a bit larger this year. Three large tasting tents will allow for an extra cafe-style seating area and a view of the concert stage. Seating was a main concern of many, in the past they had a few tables, but not much. I think that if you make it comfortable for people, they will stay longer.
A national headliner is being considered for the Saturday night concert stage and Majic 102.3 and WSVN, Channel 7, will be partnering with the event this year, too.
There will be a Grand Wine Tasting Tent and a culinary education tent and more. Sounds like a mini South Beach Food and Wine Festival, but more manageable and friendlier.
Prince Media Development is handling the coordination and sponsorship, Heather Bettner, president, can be reached at 305-775-0113 or you may call the Chamber office at 305-444-7270 to join in or if you have any questions.
Elvis may even make an appearance since January 9 is his birthday.
Brazilian Pepper trees need to be removed
Brazilian Pepper trees are being removed from locations in the state because they are not native and are very harmful to the other vegetation. They are banned, actually.
Who is in charge of the post office replanting? Anyone?
It's nonsense like this that started the problem in the first place. The US Post Office cannot be left to their own devices. They can't even run their own institution in the black, do we assume they know how to be arborists now?
Code Enforcement has no clue either.
Are the peacocks coming or going?

While the Sandy Acre Avocado & Mango farm is being accused of stealing the peacocks, it appears that a few local officials are the culprits. I have emails in to those involved and I am awaiting their response. It's amazing how no one was informed, yet a tv network (the Discovery Channel) and a trapper, named Jeff, were all on in the activity, which went on for months.
NBC Miami jokes about me knowing about every sneeze that happens in the Grove in an article here, yet I and others had no clue about the peacocks being shipped to the Redland, including NBC Miami who is sponsoring the Peacock Tour. According to their online poll, people are furious about this sneaky hijacking of peacocks.
The Peacock Tour involves large painted peacocks (picture the roosters in Little Havana and the cows in New York City) and other art, music and culture. The painted peacocks will go on a parade around town and will then go up for auction. And hopefully brighten up Grove streets for years to come.
And hopefully this nonsense of the disappearing real peacocks will stop. The Peacocks belong in the Grove, not the Redland and any neighbor that doesn't like living on the street with Peacocks, that were there first, can easily move, I know a few good realtors who can find you a nice quiet street in the Grove. Maybe they'll come after the dogs and cats next, are they annoying you too? Let's ship all the birds that chirp and dogs that bark to the Redland. And that cat that wanders around the neighborhood should go too, right? Wrong.
Anyway, on Saturday, September 12, there is a Peacock Meeting (for the Peacock Tour), not to protest the malcontents who have removed the peacocks. Anyone who may want to participate in the spring event is encouraged to attend. It's at the Arts and Minds Center (3138 Commodore Plaza) at 10 am. For info: 305-775-0113.
I caught the above photo yesterday morning, near Micanopy, so it looks like a few are still wandering around the area. People are on the watch now and we are prepared to catch the culprits red handed next time they try to seal the remaining birds.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
We have a new soda fountain in town!

I was in New York last week and I lived on them. They aren't easy to find in Florida, but for $2.50, you can have the perfect New York Egg Cream -- at Chicago's yet!
An egg cream has no eggs, no one knows where the name came from but all it is is Seltzer, milk and chocolate syrup. Put them all together and it's incredible.
Other ice cream sodas include: Black Cow, Brown Cow, Black & White, Cherry Ice, Creamcicle, Lime Rickey, Root Beer Float, all for $3.95.
There are banana splits, rocky road sundaes, hot fudge sundaes, very berry sundaes and more.
Also, thick shakes, candy store shakes, fruit bowl shakes, cherry cream cones, the "Chicago" Green River and so much more.
Sour Grapes Award

Our first Sour Grapes Award goes to a sour old man named Sid Sussman, who saw fit to tear apart the Great Grove Bed Race this year, out of pure jealously.
His nasty letter is here, in the Herald.
Sid has been bullying the Bed Race committee since the beginning. I was recently asked to change our Twitter name, but I own that name Sid, so I am not changing it. It's a generic name, it belongs to me. It's
Sid is a sour old soul. So Sid can take his jealousy and pride and shove them where the sun don't shine Sid gets the first Sour Grapes Award. Congrats Sid!
Mixed Market tonight at Berries in the Grove
Every last Sunday of the month, Berries in the Grove (2884 SW 27 Avenue) holds a Mixed Market from 6 to 10 pm.
There's a lot of eco friendly items, arts and crafts, henna tattos, hand made jewelry and more. They even have recycled clothing and a vegan bunnie cake.
Berries has a Saturday and Sunday brunch, too. Bloody Mary's are $5.00 and Mimosa's are $4.00 all day on weekends.
Also, Cuervo Margaritas, Bacardi Mojitos, Smirnoff Martinis and Cachaca Caipirnahs are $5.00. There is live blues music on Tuesday and Wednesday is Brazilian Night with Gus Fidelis. Thursday is Ladies Night, from 9 to 11 pm, ladies enjoy free drinks and free Presidente drafts.
Every day, from 4 to 7 pm is Happy Hour, where drinks are half price.
And check out their new brick oven pizza, you can see the pizza oven in the photo above, way in the back of the patio, which has a retracible roof and coming soon -- air conditioning for the whole patio.
Is Redland farm stealing the Grove peacocks?
Why does the peacock cross the road? To hide from the poachers who are stealing them and taking them away.
I read in The Herald today that some couple is netting the peacocks in the Grove and taking them down to their farm in the Redland!
Say what?
I feared this would happen. Right after Hurricane Andrew in 1992, this moron named Carrie, scooped up all the peacocks in Cutler Ridge and sold them for $500.00 a pair. Old Cutler Road used to have many peacocks roaming the area. Cutler Ridge's name was even hijacked, it's Cutler Bay now.
Now this?
Sidney Robinson, owner of Sandy Acre Avocado & Mango and his wife Maryannette have some explaining to do and some peacock returning to do, too. I have contacted them asking who asked them to remove the peacocks. We'll see what they have to say. I have also contacted the Discovery Channel, who filmed the whole thing for a tv show.
UPDATE: A local tv channel contacted me about the peacocks. Apparently a local Miami official orchestrated this removal of the peacocks. More to come. Lots of livid people calling
me today.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Take advantage of the captive audience
The Great Grove Bed Race sign above South Bayshore Drive and Main Highway is an excellent way to bring that to their attention. Flyer cards and other methods are another great way.
The corner of Main and Commdore Plaza should have something near Greenstreets and Le P'tit Paris announcing upcoming Grove events. Has anyone tried pushing next Saturday's Art Stroll?
Countdown to the Great Grove Bed Race
Sorry about all the Bed Race news, but that is the big story this week. A week from tomorrow is the Great Grove Bed Race and last night, some of the racers tried out their beds on the 1/8 mile practice test and tune track at the Homestead-Miami Speedway.
You can see that Pollo Tropical has a bed in the race, promoting their new chicken wings. Below is a "secret bed," to be revealed the day of the race. All details on next Sunday's Bed Race may be seen at:
Photos by Edward Williams
They prefer snail mail promotions
They would like the committee to use snail mail, rather than email to promote the events. Since they are willing to pay for the cost of mailings, that method will be considered, but of course all electronic social media is the bulk of the promotion.
Sign up early for the Pajama Pub Crawl
The Pajama Pub Crawl will take place next Saturday, September 5, starting at 7 pm.
For info:
Friday, August 28, 2009
Screwed up priorities
Maybe they can borrow some from the Marlins and the billion dollar stadium that the city seemed to have money for.
Just a thought.
"Upcycled" Art Happy Hour at Blu Moon
Eco Artist Nancy Martini will be demonstrating how to "upcycle" common food containers and turn them into art like picture frames and things.
Please register at Blu Moon Studio of Art (where the workshop will take place), by calling
305-529-5006 or emailing Blu Moon is at 3444 Main Highway.
Commodore Plaza restaurant news
Renovations are being planned. Not sure why you would even buy Christabelle's and touch the decor, but those are the rumors. The Ivy London, The Ivy L.A. and The Ivy At The Grove are all independent from one another.
George's in the Grove has a drag queen night in the works, for October 5. Elaine Lancaster will perform and the staff will all be dressed in drag, too. More to come.
You always get a free glass of champagne when you eat at George's, but mention the Coconut Grove Grapevine for a free glass of wine.
Chicago's has a big beefed up menu being premiered next week. You name it, they have it. Details to come. Chicago's claims that not enough of you are ordering delivery. The implemented the service, now all you have to do is call in your orders: 305-774-9981.
Greenstreets has their 24 wines for $24.00 promotion continuing, Havana Grove has plans to add new items to the menu, Cita's just introduced their new menu, Mr. Moe's is planning on the college crowd starting up again, now that September is almost here and Le P'tit Paris has more theme nights in the works and half priced lunch weekdays between 11 and noon.
Many restaurant owners would like the Playhouse parking lot open for a fair fee. They claim it will help business and one cheap flat rate (maybe $5.00 for all day parking on weekends), will help. Also, the post office lot needs to be open, they are planning to open on September 12, the first night of the block parties. How about today?
BID agrees to continue funding Block Party
The BID (Business Improvement District) met yesterday to discuss their marketing and events budget. About 10 BID members were at the table (not all are shown here) and there was an audience of about 15 or 20, watching the proceedings.
The Saturday night Commodore Block Party is scheduled to be back for six months starting Saturday, September 12.
Mia Stierheim (far left in the photo), leasing manager of CocoWalk, and BID board member, was a bit concerned, feeling that Commodore is getting all the attention, but honestly, isn't CocoWalk the center of town these days? All the tour buses even send people right there, bypassing everyone else.
The BID board made it clear that everyone will be included in future projects and there will be a "co-op buy-in," like Commodore is doing, where the restaurant owners are footing part of the bill. The expenses are quite high to run the block party -- upwards of $93,000 for six months' of Saturdays. The BID will kick in $35,000.
But traffic did improve all over the Grove on block party Saturdays. You could see the people going from one end to another. Most of the businesses represented at the BID meeting encouraged the block party to continue and so the BID voted to do just that -- they will fund a large part and the restaurant owners (7 on Commodore Plaza), will kick in $350.00 each Saturday to help defray costs.
The new name is the "Coconut Grove Block Party," and all concerned will make an effort to include the whole Grove.
Beds race at Homestead Speedway tonight
It's getting closer -- Bed Race Day (September 6). Love the banners above the streets, have you seen them?
Tonight, August 28, the Speedy T&T is open to Bed Racers at The Homestead-Miami Speedway (One Speedway Boulevard, Homestead). This is the Speedy Test and Tune, where people are allowed on the 1/8 mile practice track.
From 8 to 9 pm tonight beds that are enrolled in the Great Grove Bed Race will have a chance to practice in front of the crowd.
It's BYOBBB (Bring your own Bed, Body and Booze) to the track and see how your bed fares on a real track. Will it be ready for the real Bed Race on September 6?
This is a great event for spectators, as well. You don't need to be in the Bed Race to enjoy it.
Entry is free for Bed Teams, $10 for spectators.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Grove bragging rights is on the line
(3675 Main Highway). The varsity game starts at 7:00 pm.
The winner gets a trophy and Coconut Grove bragging rights.
Photography and Music at Arts and Minds

Also on Friday August 28, at 9:00 pm, following Graffiti Redefined, the all female world music band Santamorena (above) performs in a powerful concert in the Academy's acoustically engineered Abanico Theatre. The dynamic duo of Alma and Niurka, accompanied by four other talented female musicians bring to the stage a perfectly balanced and authentic world music sound with great beauty, sensitivity and zeal. Tickets to the Concert are $15.00 for adults $10.00 for students and senior citizens.
Proceeds from both events benefit the Academy of Arts & Minds visual arts programs.
For ticket sales and information call 305.448.1105.
Los Ranchos popular with lunch crowd
Los Ranchos at CocoWalk is one of the most popular lunch spots in the Grove.
The BBQ Ranchero, shown here ($10.00) consists of Charbroiled Beef Filet, Homemade Pork Sausage, and Fried Cheese Carne Asada, Chorizo de Cerdo, and Queso Frito. This with Sangria is a perfect lunch.
They also have a daily lunch special for $4.99. Call about that: 305-461-8222.
The rest of the lunch menu may be seen here. And while there, if you go to the bottom of the page, you can check out all their menus and offerings.
Wheels are needed for Bed Race beds
Please email info@thegreatgrovebedrace if you can help with a donation of old wheels.
The Grove is always the poor step child
The Federal Transit Administration released $64.5 million in federal stimulus funds to Miami-Dade Transit yesterday, of which the City of Miami has been allocated $4.1 million to implement an eco-friendly rubber-tire trolley bus system.
“This project will improve the quality of life of the residents of Miami, create much-needed jobs, and provide and eco-friendly public transportation alternative,” said Mayor Manny Diaz.

It's a shame that the Grove is not included in the project. I think many people would enjoy visiting from the other areas and bringing them in by an eco-friendly trolley is perfect for that. Why is the Grove always treated differently than the rest of the city? It gets sort of insulting.
The trolley shown here comes to the Grove often, it is run by a tour company. But a regular trolley bringing people to and from Coral Way and Brickell and connecting with the Coral Gables trolley would be very cool.
Above, you can see the trolley out on the street, as Fred Hunt paints in the window -- a perfect Grove scene to behold when people alight from the trolley.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Seen off the Grove's coast today
Refresh Miami meets tonight
Robert Murray will introduce the group to Social Media for Social Change, an example of how social media can bring together people from all around the world together to change society in a big way.
John James Jacoby, the developer of Buddy Press, will talk about WordPress MU and Buddy Press, more specifically about the new Buddy Press 1.1 release that is scheduled to come out later this month.
Alex De Carvalho and Brian Breslin are going to give an overview on the current situation of the South Florida tech community and its future.
One thing they can do is not overlap on the same day as the Mac User Group, which seems to be the case every month, it would be good if people had a chance to go to both events. Just a thought for next month.
Kicking off the new school year with BBQ
Hogging the parking spots -- for free
A reader sent this in. He took the photo on Sunday, at 6 pm, while driving around and around looking for parking.
He wants to know why the cab drivers continue to be allowed to commandeer Virginia Street, park for free and take up all the parking spots. This has been a problem for years. Is it ever going to end?
Best Comment of the Day
My question to all the supporters of Miami 21: If it is so great, why has the Mayor both times, scheduled it within a time period that is too short as well as during a holiday?
Gold Coast Mac User Group meets tonight
Eddie Torres will offer a double play. First, he's going to show how he uses iPhoto and Facefook to share his pictures with the world. Even if you have an older version of iPhoto he'll show you a neat add-on to let you upload your photos to your Facebook account right from iPhoto. While on the subject of photos, he'll demo a piece of software that saved all his photos when he thought he had lost them.
Esver Camacho will show how to create a book and a calendar using your photos stored in iPhoto. Share our precious memories with a snazzy keepsake or put your mug for all to see month after month. Who says firemen, models and puppies are the only ones who get a calendar spread?
At 6:30 pm, Esver will lead the Beginner's class. If you have something you want to learn this is your chance to have your own semi-private tutor. If there are no requests we'll show you how to organize your bookmarks (favorites) in either Safari or FireFox.
At 7:00 pm, the main event begins. It's all free, bring a friend and enjoy.
For info: visit or call 305-447-7888
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Anthony Noboa now at Biscayne Bank

He starts Monday.
Barnacle Under Moonlight starts new season
Gates open at 6 pm and the concert is from 7 to 9 pm. Please feel free to bring a picnic basket and blanket (no alcohol or pets).
Admission is $7 for adults (10 and up), $3 for children and those under 6 years old are admitted free.
Proceeds from the concert go for the upkeep of The Barnacle (3485 Main Highway). For info: 305-442-6866.
Best Bloody Mary in town

Sylvano (left) and myself tried them out recently.
Tonight is Mojito Tuesdays at Greenstreets, so if you stop by for a Mojito, try a Bloody Mary, too, and see if I am right or not.
I know you shouldn't mix rum and vodka, but why not, it's done in a Long Island Iced Tea, so why not in two separate drinks?
Ballet classes starting for Tula and Tupi

They have a top ballerina from Miami City Ballet teaching the classes and some other ballerinas are around to help out before classes.
The fall schedule is:
Monday 3:15 - 4:00
Friday 3:15 - 4:00
Saturday 10:00 - 10:45
Saturday 11:00 - 11:45
Sunday 11:15 - 12:00
For more info, please contact Rachel at 305-441-2153 or
Monday, August 24, 2009
Mayor Diaz is pushing for Miami 21
Guess he wants to push it through no matter what. People need to come out to the meeting and give their opinions, it's at City Hall (3500 Pan American Drive). The Commission has already voted it down and Mayor Diaz is only being selfish in the fact that he wants it passed before he leaves office. He doesn't care about the public, doesn't care about the Commission's last vote and doesn't care if people want more time to go over it.
This needs a lot more work before it deserves to be passed. Mayor Diaz wants to leave office with this effort in the win column and he's being a bit obnoxious about it.
Hopefully the two mayoral candidates, Tomás Regalado and Joe Sanchez will keep their votes the same, we don't need to see any wishy washy candidates at this point. The one who caves to the Mayor's wishes, will be revealing a lot about themselves.
When bikers and bladers take over the streets
We look to New York for BID advice, maybe we can look to them for going green advice. New York is considered one of the most green cities in the U.S. Per capita, they have less cars per person and as per bicycles, they are at the forefront of adding bike racks, opening new bike lanes, having more bike days, etc.
They have this thing running on Saturdays in August, where they shut down Park Avenue to auto traffic. I am in New York now, this is the scene this weekend. Amazing.
It's called Summer Streets, and from 7 am to 1 pm, Park Avenue, from the Brooklyn Bridge to Central Park, the whole artery is closed. For those of you who know New York, you realize this is miles of street we are talking about.
Volunteers direct traffic on the cross streets and people bike, roller blade, run, walk and just completely take over the street.
Most roads through Central Park have been closed for years during the summer, allowing easy access for bikers, bladers and runners, and of course you may have seen in the news that Broadway is closed in the midtown area, too. It's a pedestrian-friendly walkway now.
Bike Day was very successful when we had it in the Grove. We need it on a regular basis. This is a civilized way to live. If New York City can shut streets down on a regular basis, without many traffic flow problems. We surely can do it in our small village.
It's a retro 1960s' hotel bar scene

In spite of the rain, Mad Men Mondays at Mayfair Hotel's Lobby Bar got off to a good start. By 6 pm, the bar seats were filled, the music --all '60s tunes -- was swinging, and martini glasses lined the bar. The drinks at $3.50 are actually a good deal if you consider a Martini can set you back around $10-$12 elsewhere. And if you compare the size of the glass to those used for drinks of the '60s era (when the term "supersize" was not yet a part of the vocabulary), it was a very good deal indeed.
At 6:15, the Season 3 premier replayed and those who wanted to hear, sat close by, while others relaxed in '60s ambiance enjoying such blasts from the past as Tom Collins and Harvey Wallbangers while Bobby Darrin sang Mack the Knife. At one point the bartender pulled out a bottle of Galiano (to make a Harvey Wallbanger) and some people had never even seen the very large long slender, odd-shaped bottle before. It was a nice crowd. Ad agency types mixed with out-of-towners, which gave the whole thing an urban, '60s feel.
Best of all was the dinner menu, an incredible deal for $21, that makes being there tonight a must even if you've never watched Mad Men.
Femfessionals lunchon at Ritz-Carlton

The featured speaker at the luncheon (from noon to 2:20 pm) is Province "Boo" Zamek of, who will share the Top 5 Secrets of her Success.
The cost is $38.92.
For info on the luncheon, please email
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Are you ready for some football?
There's an upstairs bar all ready to be home of every Chicago sports fan (and even you Dolfans).
The only requirement is that you enjoy good food, good drink and meeting great fans. It's the beginning of a new Grove tradition!
Enjoy the Chicago Vienna Beef Hot Dogs and Italian Beef Sandwich along with an Old Style or two.
A pre-season kickoff party is in the works. For info, email Marty at
Around the Grove
Cita's introduces new dinner menu

There's lots of pasta and prime steaks like the 6 oz. Filet served with veggies of the day and baked or mashed potatoes ($21.00) and the Colorado Lamb Chops, which consists of three chops, served with mashed potato and mint jelly ($32.00).New York Prime 12 oz. is $27.00 and Double Cut 14 oz. Pork Chops are $18.00, served with roasted asperagus.
The whole menu is here. To make a reservation, please call 305-446-2207.
Get your Courtesy Citation today!
Just a reminder that the Parking Authority has a couple of great deals running for only about a week more.
1) Throughout August, MPA’s Oak Avenue Garage is offering $3 flat-rate parking weeknights after 5 pm as well $3 flat-rate parking all day on Saturday and Sunday.
2) Every weekend in August, on-street parkers in the Grove whose meters have expired will be issued a special “Courtesy Citation” explaining that they have been granted up to one free hour of parking beyond their expiration time, thus avoiding a parking ticket.
One thing though: According to the meter readers out on the street, people are not putting any money in the meters at all, assuming they have an hour of free parking, but you need to put something, even if it's a dime, just so that the Parking Authority has a starting point for your free hour.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Discount parking for residents?
Coconut Grove Pharmacy is a hidden gem

The Coconut Grove Pharmacy is located at: 3001 SW 27 Avenue. They are open 9 am to 7 pm, Monday thru Friday and Saturdays 10 am to 3 pm. Parking is free and they deliver, too! Phone: 305-442-8700.
Rings, rings and more rings
I never get tired of this
Looks like I'm boring the horse. I was coming from Olav's Pommes and Pane Café with breakfast, maybe I should have shared some. I love when the mounted police goes by the Mayfair Hotel (in the background) in the morning, the guests coming out for breakfast get all giddy. It adds a lot of charm to the Grove and I think they remember that long after their vacation is over.
Friday, August 21, 2009
He fought in wars for the freedom to park
He finally said, "I fought in two wars, I should be able to park wherever I want!" I didn't know what to respond.
Taking a stand for Science Museum
The Mutiny Hotel had a special Happy Hour last night to "take a stand" and help the Miami Museum of Science keep county funding, in spite of budget cuts. Above are Son Kim, Sylvia Lucia Quinn, Richard Issa, Naomi Evans and Katherine Phillips.
Also on hand was Juan Gonzalez, Tony Lima and Michael Rodriquez along with Jessie Allen and Joey Primero.
Photos courtesy of Tony Lima
Chamber Talent Show-Down
The talent show is a joint networker including the Coconut Grove Chamber of Commerce, Aventura Marketing Council, Greater Miami Convention and Visitors Bureau, Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce, Coral Gables Chamber of Commerce, Miami-Dade Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce and the Chamber South.
The Grove's featured performer is singer/songwriter Naomi (Noni) Evans (from CocoWalk) and guitarist Luis Salazar with Diahs Records. You can view Noni Evans' website here.
Park in the North Bayside Garage and bring your ticket to the event for a $5 parking validation.
There will be great hors d'oeuvres and a cash bar.
Please RSVP with the Grove Chamber by emailing or by calling 305-444-7270.
Two new films come out of Arts and Minds School
A week of intensive work on the plaza at Coconut Grove's Academy Arts and Minds Charter High School with theatre instructor Larry Villanueva, culminated in a series of outstanding summer productions.
Sara Benitez used her highly creative talent and wrote an original work entitled "Positive." The short film was shot on site at Commodore Plaza by Andres Monsalve who also directed and edited the movie which features Valeria Uribe and Anthony Otero. In addition, Philip Alan Fennell, Class of 2009, returned to take the lead in Torrance Klimoski's short original film called "ID." Both films are being considered for film festivals throughout the country.
In the photo above, from left: Willy Vega, José Rangel, Torrance Klimoski, Sara Benitez, Master Teacher Theatre Instructor Larry Villanueva, Andrés Monsalve, Valeria Uribe and Anthony Otero.
Story and photos by Robin L. Sarantos, Ph.D.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Hotel with no name?
They are suppose to turn into a Courtyard by Marriott. But the process takes a long time, so until then, the hotel may not have a name. Courtyards target the business traveler. As you know we already have a Marriott Residence Inn.
Gap music jeans and music event
In celebration of the new jeans collection and their 40th anniversary, Gap is hosting the largest simultaneous acoustic concert nationwide at more than 700 stores tonight, August 20, from 7 to 9 pm . Fall into the Gap at CocoWalk for a live performance and back-to-school shopping.
Open house includes belly dancing
Free mini demo classes include:
Adriana (Belly dance)
Jihan Jamal (Belly dance)
Roshana (Folkloric dance)
Marilyn (Belly dance)
Mz. Bee (Pole-dance for fitness)
There will be performances by all of their instructors and live drumming.
Pole-dance for fitness classes will begin in September 3-days a week.
Call 786-768-3690 for info, or check the website here:
Tomorrow is last day to sign up for Bed Race

This is Nile Patrick, Charities Community Director of Alonzo Mouring Charities, one of the beneficieries of the Bed Race. The UM Sleep Center is the other.
Tomorrow is last day to sign up, the form is here.
A cruise to the Bahamas from NCL is also part of the prizes, which will be raffled off. Those tickets will be sold starting a week in advance at the Homestead-Miami Speedway practice run night the Speedy Test and Tune, on August 28.
The Bed Race is Sunday, September 6, the Pajama Pub Crawl is Saturday, September 5. All details are at the Great Grove Bed Race website here.
Village Council meets tonight
On the agenda:
1) Commander Martin Recognition
2) Crime Watch Update
3) FPL Committee Update
4) Charity Giving; Community Organizations
5) Election Update
6) Business introductions
The meeting is from 7 to 9 pm.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Helping Leilani

The gathering at Monty's is from 6 to 9 pm. Drinks are half price and the raw bar is open until 8 pm. During this period, items will be up for auction and all proceeds will go directly to Leilani's cardiologist bill.
For info or to donate, please email:
Call to Coconut Grove schools
We invite all Coconut Grove schools to send us their news and photos. Are new teachers arriving this year? Send their pictures and introduce them through the Grapevine!
Send us sports news, did you win the big game? Let's see some pictures, too! Are you having a car wash for charity? Are you sending the band to China? We want to know. How are the cheerleaders doing? Is the chess club meeting this week? Is the baseball team up against their big rival? Is it Homecoming week?
When is the next school play? When is the next concert? Is there an art show at the school? We want to share it in the Coconut Grove Grapevine. Our email is to the right above, just send us what you've got in the way of news and photos.
If any of our readers know any teachers or administrators at the local schools, please alert them to this. There is no charge, we just want to share Coconut Grove school news.
Castroneves is officialy named Grand Marshall
It's official, three time Indy 500 Winner and Dancing with the Stars winner, Miami resident, Helio Castroneves is the Grand Marshall of this year's Great Grove Bed Race on September 6.
There was a press conference this morning atop the Mayfair Hotel at Cabana One and all the media was there. Look for the reports all over the local news today.
Here Bed Race coordinator Daisy Lewis greets the crowd as Commissioner Marc Sarnoff, Helio, and Mayor Manny Diaz look on from the stage.
Bed Race committee members were on hand as well as all media outlets, the UM Sleep Center and the Alonzo Mourning Charities, both who will benefit from this year's charity event.
Many more raw photos at our Facebook Fan page:
Helio Castroneves to be Grand Marshall
Photos and more to come a bit later.
We need more orange salmon
We would love if someone could duplicate their recipes. Maybe someone from Basil can get together with another restaurant and pass along their great orange salmon recipe and the talapia in the bag and the salad and of course the cheese bread.
"Upcycled" Art Happy Hour at Blu Moon
Blue Moon (3444 Main Highway) is having an Upcycled Art Happy Hour on Friday, August 28.
EcoArtist Nancy Martini will be demonstrating how to "upcycle" common food containers and make them into art pieces. Start saving heavy aluminum foil trays and cereal boxes to design and create beautiful embossed picture frames for framing art trading cards (last month's project), or a small photo can fit in the frames, too.
Nancy's own work consists of 95% upcycled materials like plastic bags, hangers, bottle caps, etc.The cost is $15 and the time is from 6 to 9 pm.
You can see a video of the process here:
RSVP: Sheri at Blu Moon Studios at 305.529.5006 by August 25.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Meet the Gentlemen Jack Girls at Sandbar
Along with the bus will be the Gentleman Jack Girls.
Gentleman Jack is the new
So stop by the Sandbar for a taste and if you don't like that, it's Penny Beer Night and Hurricane drinks are half price all day and night.
Register early for the Pajama Pub Crawl
The Pajama Pub Crawl is Saturday, September 5, the night before the Great Grove Bed Race. Registration for the pub crawl is $20 and 100% of all that goes to the Alonzo Mourning Charities. Attendance at Sunday's Bed Race is free to everyone.
The Pub Crawl starts at Fat Tuesdays at CocoWalk at 7 pm, registration starts at 6 pm. To avoid waiting in the registration line, please RSVP now at Please include a contact name, number of participants and phone number.
Participants are encouraged to dress in a pajama theme, participants will receive a passport filled with nine drink coupons, one for each Pub and will receive a free Beer, sponsored by Heineken and New Castle. A tenth coupon for a free espresso or coffee at The Bookstore in the Grove as a Designated Driver Pit Stop will additionally be included.
The 9 pubs included are:
- Fat Tuesday's
- Chili's
- Sandbar Grill
- Barracuda Bar and Grill
- Tavern In The Grove
- Mr. Moes
- The Taurus
- Boardwalk Tavern
- Cabana One
Call to artists for Mad Hatter Festival

There's a call out to artists. For those who would like to be part of the fun, you may download an entry form packet here.
Grand Marshall to be announced tomorrow
It's someone famous, someone who would fit in very well with the concept and someone who will make those who didn't sign up for the bed race, wish they did.
The Bed Race committee is out to show that the Bed Race is back in a big way. The tie-in with the Homestead-Miami Speedway, UM Sleep Center and the Alonzo Mourning Charities are a good start, the Grand Marshall will seal the deal.
Many are looking forward to the race bed practice runs on the Speedway's actual practice track in Homestead. The Pajama Pub Crawl, Waiters Race and other festivities attached will make this one Labor Day weekend to remember.