I hate when people make something out of nothing. I have had my quarrels with the Shaq 24 Hour Fitness gym, but this is downright stupid.
There is picketing at the Shaq 24 Hour Fitness gym today, which seems to work, because it kept me from working out, and I had planned to.
This fat ass DJ from one of the local Latin radio stations, signed up with a friend. He paid the friend's membership and he had planned to use the friend as his trainer. But it turns out (and most gyms do this for insurance reasons) that the gym will only allow their own trainers to train people. Not unlicensed friends.
Well now the DJ has turned it into a discrimination thing against fat people. I am guessing that if there were no Latin's working at the gym, it would have been a discrimination thing against Latins. If the DJ was black, it would be a black thing.
It is basically that the cheap ass wants a free trainer, so he is pissed that it won't be that way now. So rather than ask for a refund, he does this. No class.
Perhaps it should just be a discrimination thing against morons. Because that is what this DJ is.
I guess he just wants his 15 minutes of fame, even if it makes him look like a total loser.
It is loud, rude and is chasing tourists away. The DJ should be sued by all Grove merchants for all business lost today, by his obnoxious behavior.
Photo by AnnaMaria Windisch-Hunt for the Grapevine
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