I love how the real protesters have to deal with the central casting groups that are sent out on various political issues in this city.
This morning, the real public protesters, those against the bail out for the Marlins (above) and the paid fake protesters sent out by the Marlins lobbyists and central casting office (below), clashed at City Hall.
It's amazing that when the public is against something, we can't have fair play, we need to bus in paid people to oppose the issue. I asked this group above who paid them to be there today and they all yelled out in unison, "Miguel Fuentes." Then they all chanted his name non-stop until I told them I was with the Grapevine, then they denied saying his name, but I didn't pull it out of thin air, now did I?
Below, you can see the union workers who were paid to be there. These poor lost souls, if they don't have jobs now, they never will get jobs by the Marlins organization and even if they get jobs, they won't be able to afford to go to any of the games.
It's all quite funny. Remember the fat lady at Shaq 24 Hour Fitness last week? The one who was picketing because the Port of Miami did not give her a job? Well she was out there today being paid to picket for the Marlins.
When I questioned her, she yelled at me in Spanish, screaming at me, telling me she didn't speak or understand English, calling me every nasty name you can imagine, all in Spanish, which I found odd, since she talked to me in perfect English last weekend in front of the gym.
But the little fattie changed her tune, and her language, when I pulled out my camera and took her photo. All of a sudden she remembered English and her nasty cursing turned to perfect English. I did take her photo, but she is so pathetic, I don't want to show her face here out of pity.
The Marlins have these poor, stupid people talking and picketing for them at City Hall. I am sure the City Commission sees through all this. It's just a shame that these people have to be exploited in this manner. The Marlins don't give a crap for these people and these people don't give a crap for their own City. It's all about money on both sides.
The protesters make their few bucks and get free lunch today, until their next casting call by some political group and the Marlins get their millions on the backs of the taxpayers, flip the stadium and walk away with millions.
Remember the "Meet the Mets" chant? Let's have AIG meet the Marlins. Both scammers who use the public and laugh in their faces.
Photos by Harry Emilio Gottlieb and Tom Falco for the Grapevine
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