As this story is being posted, the actual bike rack ceremony is taking place in Peacock Park. I'll report back on that tomorrow.
Here you can see artist Lebo working on the cement block part of the rack last Thursday. The actual metal parts were added and the whole thing is usable today.
Many of you like to bitch and moan about the biking situation in the Grove and in all of Miami, for that matter. Yet all you do is bitch and moan. How about doing something? I don't see any of you at any Village Council meetings or BID meetings or merchant meetings talking about the subject. Or how about starting up your own meeting?
There is a committee for every little thing these days it seems. I don't see any biker's rights meetings or bike path meetings, etc. Why not start one? Maybe Danny at Revolution Bicycle Services (3444 Main Highway) will offer up his place for your inaugural meeting. How about doing something other than bitching?
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