On the Saturday of the Arts Festival, I was buying food at a vendor's booth and at the food booth next door, the Health Department was closing the guy down because he was not storing the food correctly. The vendor said he would comply with the correct procedures and I guess he opened back up again. He was acting weird towards me and I guess that was why, he didn't want me to hear what was being said, but I couldn't help but overhear it. I never said anything to the vendor, I just acted like usual.
The next day, a friend and I got food from that said "dirty" vendor and a short while later I found myself having to leave the Festival because I was feeling sick. I felt better after some Alka-Seltzer and Pepto Bismol, but I felt bad having to leave early feeling ill.
It's funny how we have short memories. Where was Jeff Weinsier from Channel 10 when you needed him?
I just thought it was funny how with all the vendors they have at the festivals, I happened to gravitate right to the one that had food issues.
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