Sandy B. Muller Cancer Foundation founders: Dr. Linda Marraccini, Sandy Muller, Beverly Sage
The Sandy B. Muller Breast Cancer Foundation is presenting "The Pink Party," featuring Willard Shepard, Emmy Award-winning journalist and NBC6 anchor as Master of Ceremonies.
Calamari is the venue for the fundraiser, which is Saturday, March 31, starting at 7 pm. The party will include a runway fashion show featuring jewelry and sunwear, a cocktail reception and raffle prizes.
The Sandy B. Muller Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc. was founded to celebrate the journey of Sandy Muller, a breast cancer survivor who felt fortunate to have the support of family and friends. Beverly Sage is a dear friend and supporter of Sandy and all women with breast cancer. While celebrating her survivorship Beverly and Sandy became aware of a newly diagnosed breast cancer patient who needed financial support but no resources were available. The foundation provides patients in Miami-Dade County recently diagnosed with breast cancer and in treatment, with basic living expenses such as mortgage and rent payments, medical insurance premiums, transportation costs to and from doctor appointments, child care payments, food and other life necessities. Our goal is that every woman and man have Peace of Mind during their breast cancer journey.
Cost is $65 per ticket and may be purchased on line here. Calamari is located at 3540 Main Highway.
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