It was another nifty (yup, I said nifty) Gifford Lane Art Stroll on Sunday. It's the one place in the Grove where the whole Grove comes out to party. The shady street turns into the old Grove for the afternoon and artists sell their wares while musicians play, people dance and lots of Cucumber Punch loosens people up. Very old-Grove like.
The Solar Dogs played all day, along with other bands -- Josh Rowland and The Pit Bull Blues and also the Sam Sim's Trio. And the Solar Dogs are back for "Howl in the Woods" next month at Shell Lumber. It's the third year for the event, which is very much like Gifford Lane, but at the lumber yard -- a real community happening, there's live music from the Dogs, as well as art, a cash bar and lots of gourmet food. That's April 14 from 7 to 11 pm. Last year's event can be seen here.
How could anybody resist the lucious Cucumber Punch served by these beautiful women? We had to keep going back for more. Everybody did. It's the perfect thing on a hot afternoon.
And Regina McFall never disappoints. Her dolphin bicycle was a hit. It wasn't one of the art exhibits, it was what she rode to the art stroll! All profits raised yesterday will go to the St. Stephen's AIDS Ministry and the St. Alban's Child Enrichment Center in Village West.
Lots more pictures here, please tag yourselves!
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